12 October 2022

Field visit to 33/11 kV Sixmile Substation, APDCL

The third semester MTech students of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) department, School of Technology, Assam Don Bosco University visited the 33/11 kV Sixmile Substation under the Basistha subdivision of APDCL (Assam Power Distribution Co. Ltd.) on 11 Oct 2022. Mr. Jesif Ahmed, a member of the faculty, accompanied the students. APDCL Engineers- Mr. Arnabjan Das, Assistant Manager, IT dept., and Ms. Purabi Kakati, Assistant Manager, APDCL, guided the field visit.

Objectives of the filed visit were:
  • To reinforce experiential and contextual learning.
  • To explore the various types of components and machinery used in electrical substations.
  • To enhance classroom learning by making real-world connections.


It is worthwhile to mention that the substation has a total capacity of 20 MVA (2×10 MVA) and has two incoming feeders, viz., 132/33 KV Kahilipara GSS (Grid Substation) and 220/33 KV Jawaharnagar GIS via Jawaharnagar GSS, only one of which is used at a time. The 33 KV Dwarandha feeder is also connected to the substation. The substation has six outgoing feeders, viz., 11 kV Chachal feeder, 11 kV Rukminigaon feeder, 11 kV New Capital Feeder, 11 kV Tripura Road feeder, 11 kV GS Road feeder and 11 kV Station feeder. The field trip included visits to the switchyard, control room and its various components and feeders. This was followed by a detailed tour of the SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) and RT-DAS (Real-Time Data Acquisition System) systems located in the data centre of the substation. The students also had the opportunity to visit the APDCL customer care centre, where they were given a brief demonstration of the complaint-handling process.