27 February 2020

Industrial visit for EEE students at 400 kV Grid Sub-Station

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), School of Technology, Assam Bon Bosco University has conducted an industrial visit at the 400 KV Grid Sub-Station under AEGCL situated at Kukurmara, Mirza (Assam) on 12 March 2020 for educational purpose. As a part of the curriculum, a group of 25 students from B.Tech. 8th semester and 2 faculty members have attended the site. 

Mr. Dilip Kumar Patgiri from AEGCL guided the students’ visit and demonstrated various equipment and sections of the substation with an elaborate explanation. The substation has six transformers (to step down to a voltage of 200KV, 132KV, 33KV) and one auxiliary transformer of 80 KVA 33/0.415 kV to supply the loads in the substation. Mirza substation has two incoming lines from Bongaigaon and Silchar. The students also visited the control room of the substation that consists of a computerized system, two surge panels (which are connected with various equipment using optical fibre cables), relay units, etc. In addition, the students were explained about the different parts of the substation, viz. lighting arresters and post insulators, CVTs with wave traps (for PLC purpose), earth switches, line reactor of 3 MVAR (used with the line incoming from Silchar to compensate for reactive power), CTs and PTs, Bus reactor, SF6 Circuit Breakers etc. 

The idea of attending such industrial field visit is to give a physical overview to the students about the real-world electrical systems operation and its related issues and it is expected to bridge the gap between industry-academia knowledge. Mr. Sunil Deka and Mr. Papul Changmai, from the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, accompanied the students.