20 February 2019

Urgent: Current Students having NP, EAP, F & X Grades

On behalf of the Controller of Examinations, I would like to inform all that for the students having "NP", "EAP", "F" and "X" grades, the registration for the current semester is going on.
The last date of registration for 'Labs' is 20/02/12019.  
The last date of registration for 'Theories' is 30/03/2018.
The Examinations department have already notified for the same on 05/02/2019. Therefore, may I request all the concerned students with a gentle reminder, to do the registrations before the due date.   

Thanks & Regards
Jesif Ahmed

Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
School of Technology, Assam Don Bosco University
Airport Road, Azara, 
Guwahati-781017, Assam (India)
M: +91-9706959070