20 September 2015

Department of EEE organizes WAR-2015

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, School of Technology, Assam Don Bosco University organized a two-day Workshop on ARDUINO and RASPBERRY PI (WAR-2015) on 19-20 September 2015.

The main objective of the workshop was to give the participants an insight into various applications of ARDUINO and RASPBERRY PI. The inauguration of the workshop was performed on 19th September in presence of Prof. Durlav Hazarika, Professor, Dept.of EE, Assam Engineering College, Guwahati, Prof. Shakuntala Lashkar, Professor, Dept. Of EEE, School of Technology, Assam Don Bosco University and Faculty and Staff Members of EEE department, ADBU.
The first session was conducted by Mr. Gitu Das, Asst. Professor, Dept. Of EEE, School of technology, ADBU on 19/9/15. He explained the basic procedures for working with ARDUINO. Later he demonstrated to the participants about interfacing of LED, LCD, motors, and other peripheral devices with ARDUINO. The practical hands-on will foster the students to implement their innovative ideas in this domain.
On 20/9/15, the second session will be conducted by Mr. Jyoti Kumar Barman, Asst. Professor, Dept. Of EEE, School of technology, ADBU. He illustrated the setting up of Raspberry Pi with laptop and with other peripherals. The training also includes a series of practical sessions on controlling different appliances which gave exposure to various applications that could be easily performed using Raspberry Pi.

Total thirty B.Tech. and M.Tech. students from ADBU participated in the workshop and were awarded certificates.