17 August 2019

Induction Programme for the EEE students

An induction programme was organised by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) on 16 August, 2019 for the B.Tech 3rd semester EEE students. The objective of the program was to make the students familiar with the departmental facilities, faculty and the staff members and to align them with the mission and vision of the department. The programme was coordinated by faculty members of the dept. - Mr. Sunil Deka and Ms. Pushpanjalee Konwar. The programme started with a presentation by Ms. Konwar, giving the students a brief idea about the department, the laboratory facilities, research areas, achievements of passed out students, carrier opportunities, the importance of competitive examinations, etc. Later in the program, each of the faculty and staff members introduced themselves and also gave a glimpse of their area of interest. The faculty members also spoke about the importance of different competitive exams, entrepreneurship, different job opportunities and motivated the students to excel themselves so that they can cater to the need of the existing professional field.

8 August 2019

Attention EEE-5: Grand Viva- Phase 1

Dear Students,

Your Grand Viva (Phase-1) will be held on the coming Day-5, from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM. The marks obtained (out of 10) in the viva will be added to your Mini Project Marks. So, all are requested to attend the viva with good preparation.

Syllabus: Whatever Electrical Engineering subjects you have studied till date.