3 August 2021

EEE organizes Webinar on Solar Photovoltaic Cell: Properties and Design

A webinar on “Solar Photovoltaic Cell: Properties and Design” was organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, School of Technology, Assam Don Bosco University (ADBU) on 3 August 2021 for the students in class 12, Engineering Polytechnic, and BSc. The resource person for this free certificate course was Mr. Sunil Deka, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

The webinar's major goal was to look at the photovoltaic cell's future potential in the energy sector, as well as to discuss the properties of the two most significant components of this technology: sunlight, which is the primary source of energy, and solar cells, which convert that sunshine into electricity. Mr. Deka goes over the fundamentals of solar system operation, how to find appropriate applications, and how to construct a simple photovoltaic system. The webinar had a total of 35 participants from various colleges and institutes across India.