3 September 2021

Free International Hands-on Online Workshop on Computation with Python

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), School of Technology, Assam Don Bosco University (ADBU), organized an International Free “Hands-on Online workshop on Computation with Python”, from 30 August - 3 September, 2021. A total of 109 participants from different foreign institutions, viz. 58 from Strathmore University (Kenya), 1 from University of New South Wales (UNSW, Australia), 3 from Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (Bangladesh), 1 from University of Nairobi (Kenya), 1 from Sri Lanka Standards Institute (SLSI, Sri Lanka), 1 from East Delta University (Bangladesh), and the rest from the various colleges and universities across India including IIT and SMIT, participated in the 5-day workshop. The main idea behind the workshop was to equip the participants with the basics and applications of the Python programming language.

Python is the preferred choice of high-level programming language these days by all industries and academia alike. This introductory treatment of Python is primarily intended to provide a glimpse of the computational possibilities of the programming language. The resource persons were Dr. Bikramjit Goswami, and Mr. Jyoti Kumar Barman, Assistant Professor, Assam Don Bosco University.

The different sessions of the workshop covered the following topics:
  • What is computation, python basics, mathematical operations, python variables and types, branching and conditionals, indentation, iteration and loops.
  • Guess and check algorithms, approximate solutions, bisection method, structuring programs, and hiding details, functions.
  • Compound data types, tuples, lists, and dictionaries, recursion – divide/decrease and conquer.
  • Computation with python: Numpy, SciPy, Matplotlib.
  • Engineering applications: analysis of basic signals and systems.

It is worthwhile to mention that the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), ADBU has recently conducted a series of free webinars and certificate courses viz., Webinar on Solar Photovoltaic Cell: Properties and Design, Certificate course on Automation of Machines: An introduction to sensors, controllers and actuators, etc. For upcoming webinars by the department, interested participants can contact at +91-7896938893.