25 April 2022

EEE organizes AICTE sponsored STTP on installation of Off-grid Solar PV plant

The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, School of Technology, Assam Don Bosco University (ADBU) has recently organized a week-long AICTE-sponsored Short-term training program (STTP) on the Installation of Off-grid Solar PV plant from 25 to 30 April 2022. 

The STTP kicked off with a formal inaugural session in presence of Fr. Joseph Nellanatt (Pro. V.C, ADBU), Prof. Manoranjan Kalita (Director, SoT, ADBU), Prof. Shakuntala Lashkar (HoD, EEE Dept.), Mr. P. Joseph (Assistant Director, SoT, ADBU), Prof. Sisir Kumar Nayak (IIT Guwahati) and Dr. Papul Changmai (Co-ordinator of the STTP, ADBU). The inaugural session started with a ceremonial lamp lighting event followed by a prayer by Fr. Joseph Nellanatt. Dr. Papul Changmai from EEE dept. gave a brief overview of the training program highlighting the need for the training program in the current context. He mentioned that the Govt. of India has set a target in 2015 to install 100 GW of solar capacity in India by 2022 under the banner of the National Solar Mission. This mission promotes the installation of solar PV systems both at on-grid and off-grid PV system levels. To achieve the target, several state governments are also promoting the solar mission by incentivizing the PV installations. Moreover, in the last 4 to 5 years, the cost of PV systems has fallen significantly, which is encouraging the PV installers. Keeping an eye on the suitable Government policies and a significant reduction in the cost of solar PV systems, there is a huge interest among the common people of India for the installation of solar PV systems on their rooftop or house premises. In order to strengthen the installation/operation of solar PV systems in India, there is a need for a large number of trained people (1,00,000 people as per MNRE, Govt. of India) in the solar PV area. The trained manpower is required at various levels ranging from researchers, engineers to technicians or PV system installers. Keeping this in view, a short-term training program has been designed to train a set of students, researchers, and faculty members, who will be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to install solar PV systems in future. 

Prof. Manoranjan Kalita, in his inaugural session speech, emphasized the fact that among all the renewable energy sources in India, solar PV energy has the greatest potential. He appreciated meticulous manner in which the training programme is planned. Prof. Kalita highlighted the fact that PV modules, inverters/converters, batteries, and charge controllers are the key four components of a solar PV plant, and one entire day was set aside in the timetable for each element's theoretical and practical lessons. Furthermore Prof. Kalita expressed his delightfulness over the fact that the installation of a solar PV plant will be completed in front of the attendees, giving them a chance to experience it firsthand. Prof. Sisir Kumar Nayak from IIT Guwahati, in his talk to the group, gave a very detailed summary of the current state of the art in the solar PV technology and described the various issues that arise with solar PV installations. He highlighted that power generation drops significantly under partial shadowing situations, and several studies are being conducted to find a solution.

The various topics covered in the STTP were Basics of solar Photovoltaic Systems, Theory on Fundamentals of Solar PV cells, Simulation of solar Photovoltaic system (Cell level), Simulation of solar Photovoltaic system (Module level), Off-grid solar PV plant, On-grid solar PV plant, Load curve generation, Theory related to Battery, Simulation related to battery, Solar Photovoltaic Plant Simulation, Theory related to Converters, Simulation related to converters/inverters, Industrial Demonstration of solar PV plant installation. The event was led by a number of resource people from IIT Guwahati - Prof. Sisir Kumar Nayak, Dr. Pankaj Kalita, Shashank Kumar, and Abhishek Paikray, as well as Dr. Papul Changmai and Dr. Sunil Deka from the EEE department of Assam Don Bosco University and industrial representatives from Rongali Green Energy Pvt. Ltd., Guwahati. A total of 41 participants attended the free training program.