11 August 2017

Webinar: Discover the Capabilities of Scilab

Scilab Webinar hosted by ESI Group - Join ESI Webinar and see what Scilab can do.

Scilab: Building scientific and engineering applications
August 17, 2017 - 11:30 - 12:00 AM (IST - India Time)
Presenter: Yann Debray, Scilab Business Development Engineer
REGISTER TODAY: http://go.pardot.com/e/71522/ngineering-applications-scilab/6mw6n2/458525911

Scilab offers hundreds of mathematical functions and has a high level programming language for statistics, optimization, signal processing and control systems. Scilab provides an array of functionalities to develop scientific & engineering applications gathering:

   - Data
   - Algorithms
   - User Interface

Thanks to its ability to interconnect with third-party technologies and applications, Scilab can also act as a unique platform to bring together codes written in different programming languages, thus facilitating their distribution.

Contact : Prafull.GovindWani@esi-group.com