24 June 2016

Free online course on App Development (NPTEL & IIT Madras)


This is to draw your attention to the NPTEL online course entitled Introduction To Modern Application Development. For details, visit www.imad.tech, and for the video introducing the course, click here.


Click here to check out the video introducing the course!

In essence, this 5 week course will teach one how to build a high performance and secure web/mobile application. This course will also introduce people to technical skills that are very much in demand in industry today. The course is free, and will be available on NPTEL (registrations here) and YouTube. Upon completion of the course, one can also get certification from IIT Madras.     

It would be much appreciated if you could pass on this information to students in your department/institution. 

Kind regards,

Professor Gaurav Raina
IIT Madras

Thanks and Regards
Jesif Ahmed