The first session was taken by Mr. Mrinal Choudhury, where he basically emphasised on renewable energy in Assam, mainly solar energy. He mentioned about Assam Energy Development Agency's (AEDA) initiatives towards renewable energy sources, per capita consumption of electricity in India, global energy generation today and by 2020 from renewable energy resources, region wise installed renewable energy capacity in India, Indian renewable energy potential, activities and programmes implemented by AEDA in Assam and utilization of solar energy by using solar photovoltaic and solar thermal in rural areas of Assam. He also mentioned the Prime Objectives of AEDA, as:
- To act as the State Nodal Agency of Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources, Govt. of India in the areas of New and Renewable Sources of Energy (NRSE) for the State of Assam.
- To initiate, promote, support and co-ordinate all activities in the field of Non-conventional Energy Sources like Solar, Wind, Biomass, Micro-hydel and Municipal Solid Waste etc. and thereby tap the potential to generate energy for various uses either industrial or domestic and specially for the rural, hilly and border areas not connected with the conventional grid.
- To disseminate information about the recent technological advancement and already available technology in the field of Non-Conventional & Renewable Sources of Energy like solar, wind, micro-hydel, biomass among various domestic and industrial user groups, policy-makers, financial institutions, consultants and entrepreneurs.
Further, he encouraged the students to do project based on available renewable energy resources and manage & design solar energy to save the earth.
Second session was taken by Dr. Durlav Hazarika on the topic 'Micro-Level Green Energy Harvesting Energy System'. He mentioned about Major challenges faced by today's Electrical Industry and Energy resources for Micro Level Electrical Power Generation Unit. He discussed Micro hydro power generation system, Bio-gas power generation unit and their Design consideration. As small rivers are available in most of the areas of North East, micro hydro can be used to generate electricity for the small scale isolated power consumer, Cow dung based BIO-MASS system could be a simple solution for production of power supply for rural parts North East India.
The symposium is expected to create awareness and knowledge base for the student to study and work in the area of new and renewable energy resources.